What can “love your voice” mean for you?

For some, it’s developing a solid foundation built on technique, musicianship, and an individualized practice routine that will foster growth into any style of singer they wish to be. For others, it means overcoming tension or anxiety that stands in the way of doing something they love to do.

I can help you cover all of the bases. I’ve seen and heard it all: Beginners eager to explore the possibilities of what their voices can really do, seasoned performers searching for the perfect balance of vocal and dramatic expression, diversely talented singers looking to level up their confidence. Teaching singers how to love and master their voice is my passion.

Nicole T. Ferretti | Owner, Ferretti Vocal Studio

Peter B.

“As an adult beginner, I recommend her highly. I have made more progress than I ever thought possible.”

Kristen C.

“Thanks to Nicole’s excellent instruction, our daughter won first place in a local competition and will be singing at Carnegie Hall.”

Hyunsun R.

“[I] improved notably as Nicole and I focused on various aspects of my singing. [I] highly recommend her for all levels of singers.”

Sarah W.

“Nicole is a talented singer and wonderful teacher who genuinely cares about her students.”